nearly 1 YEAR of NSB

Hello People..

in around a month from now, on January 31st, this project will turn a whole year old. That's, Kind of nuts to think about.
Im honestly really thankful for all the support given to this dumb lazy project of mine.

Anyways, as you could maybe anticipate, the next NSB update, and the final, FINAL one, will drop on the 31st.

In the previous devlog, i stated that certain wanted features like a playable Mr. Orange will only be added if i end up getting donations on my ko-fi. I have now reverted this decision and will be bringing most wanted features to the next update regardless of donations.
so yes, Mr. Orange will indeed be playable, with a moveset alike to the one in the leaks. You'll also be getting a fully tiled Junk Beach with a background, but no tiled Moonlight Madness and no Android Port. To make up for this, Junk Beach will be fully revamped gameplay-wise to be less tedious to play through and more similar to the Junk Beach seen in the leaks. You will also get a refined Moonlight with a couple new rooms with new gimmicks, and a lot more other goodies.

After this update, NSB will, as I said, completely cease development. The source code will remain public, and anyone will be free to continue it in any way or build off of it. But please, if you do so, credit everyone that is credited in the credits section.

Buuut that's not all!

As you might have seen on my Youtube Community posts, I've been working on another project with some other people. This project's name is Noise's Big Brick. It's gonna be a short, maybe ten-minute-ish flash-inspired game with a heavy focus on speedrunning. 

This project will (hopefully) be released to the public on the 31st, alongside NSB 3.0.

As the 31st approaches, I'll post teasers relating to NSB and Noise's Big Brick on Youtube, so stay tuned for that.

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Your work really deserves respect because even though you’re a lazy ass who doesn’t really do anything other than scratch your ass, but still... and you did a good job... and I... followed your project of the very first Build... So I'm the oldest player, and I told my friends about this project and they also played, they liked it... So...

respect brother. but where is my playable Mr. Orange?


Deleted 49 days ago
